
Showing posts from April, 2018

The 8000 Army

Chapter Four        Prince Gael, it had been so long since that had been a factor in his life. So long since he had been more than the Commander. Now here he stood before the large oak doors of the Great Hall. In that oversized room would be the bleached ivory throne his father had sat on. The ivory throne of the first son of every King since the founding of The Craeg named for the Craeg Mountains that had protected the rear of the fort for generations, a fort built for the soldiers, a fort built for war. The Halloy waters of the mountain had cut deep in the rocks, of the near impossible to climb mountains, creating a gorge so steep it made the fort inaccessible from the river. Only sections of the mountain could be safely ascended and even then it was arduous and had to be navigated a fair distance down the river where it was crossable. There was a worn path to the Halloy Loch but even that was a harrowing trail made by the local folk.       ...